Women's Fellowship
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. (Proverbs 31:10 KJV)
Empowering women in faith and fellowship, the Women's Fellowship is dedicated to nurturing the spiritual, emotional, and social growth of women in our church community. We strive to create an environment where women can realize their God-given potential, supporting them in their roles both within the church and in their families. Through a variety of programs and initiatives, we focus on equipping women for effective ministry, fostering strong family values, and enhancing connections among Apostolic Women. Join us as we grow together in faith, service, and sisterhood.
Programmes of the National Women's Department
1. Titus 2 Ministry
Mentoring new converts and integrating younger ladies into our church community, emphasizing the importance of living by standards of holiness.
2. Dorcas/Care Ministry
Extending care by visiting the sick, volunteering in community services, and providing support to young mothers and families in bereavement.
3. National Retreat
When: May
A rejuvenating 3-4 day retreat in collaboration with the Men’s Department, held at a local resort. Features training sessions, upliftment workshops, and spiritual renewal opportunities.
4. Women in Ministry Conference
When: October
A dedicated conference for female pastors, ministers, and their wives, addressing the unique challenges faced in their leadership roles within the church.
5. Fundraising Activities
Organizing events such as Jamaica Night, Pastor’s Cheer, Ingathering, and Half-A-Loaf to support various church initiatives.
6. Training Programs
Offering a variety of training sessions in skills development, family life education, health and wellness, and home care.
7. Hospitality Services
Providing warm and welcoming catering services to church leaders, members, and visitors.
8. Beautification Projects
Enhancing the aesthetic appeal of our church and homes through various beautification efforts.
National Women's Fellowship
Minister Roxan York
Sister Carlene Stewart
Resource Personnel
Minister Laurel Brent-Harris
Resource Personnel
Minister Mercella Ward-Francis
Resource Personnel
Sister Valerie Williams
Regional Coordinator (1)
Minister Sharon Danvers
Regional Coordinator (2)
Sister Vivienne Barnett
Regional Coordinator (3)
Sister Eula Fitzgerald-Hinds
Regional Coordinator (4)
Minister Jennifer Grant
Regional Coordinator (5)
Minister Judith Edwards
Regional Coordinator (6)
Minister Rosemarie DaCosta
Regional Coordinator (7)
Minister Winsome Cole
Junior Ladies
The Junior Ladies of the National Women's Fellowship targets young ladies aged 13 to 30 years old. The mission of the Junior Ladies Arm is to engage young women in ministry; assist them in achieving high standards of personal and professional development; sustain the Apostolic identity; bringing glory to God and the body of Christ.
Est.Her (Establish Her) Conference
Our Annual Est.Her (Establish Her) Conference was inspired by the boldness of Queen Esther as a young woman who stood in her purpose to fulfil the will of God for her life despite the adversities. The Conference is an avenue to remind today’s Apostolic young woman of her godly purpose and heritage.
Rewatch Establish Her Conference 2023