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Home Missions

“…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” – Mark 16:15 (KJV) 

The purpose of the National Home Missions Department is to fortify our foundation for global evangelism efforts. We focus on launching and nurturing new initiatives in regions of Jamaica that need greater evangelistic presence. We are committed to identifying and advancing specific mission projects that align with our vision. We invite you to be a part of this vital mission field journey with us today!


Baptised in Jesus’ name


Filled with the Holy Ghost

As of December 31, 2023



Tune in to Rightly Dividing the Word

Join us every Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. on Fame 95FM for the live broadcast of "Rightly Dividing the Word," where we delve into the depths of scripture. Missed the live airing? No problem! Click here to access our podcast and listen to archived programs at your convenience. Immerse yourself in biblical teachings and grow in your faith journey.

Tune in to Rightly Dividing the Word Podcast

1. National Day of Prayer

When: June & October

Join us as we gather regionally to pray for vital issues impacting our community and church. 


2. National Prayer Conference

When: April/May

A powerful convergence of pastors, ministers, and church workers, dedicated to praying for our organization, evangelical mission, and global influence.


3. Departmental Workshops/Training Seminars

When: March

Enhance your skills with practical and theoretical sessions designed for Missions Committee members at both regional and local levels.


4. Pentecost Sunday

When: May/June

A special Sunday devoted to soul-winning, inviting visitors to experience the Holy Ghost, and renewing our commitments to God.


5. New Convert Care

Year-Round Program

Focused on nurturing new believers through instruction, fellowship, and involvement. Includes specialized Sunday School classes to deepen their understanding of Jesus Christ.


6. Missions Faith Promise Offering

When: First Sunday of Each Month

An act of faith-based giving to support mission work, both locally and abroad. Contributions are received during special offering times in our churches.


7. Home Bible Study

When: Upon Request

Personalized Bible studies aimed at teaching salvation principles and introducing individuals to the Oneness Apostolic Faith.


8. Coin-A-Day Drive

Ongoing Program

A daily saving initiative to support our evangelistic efforts and the distribution of tracts. Members can contribute their savings annually to the national office.


9. Patty-A-Month

Ongoing Program

Contribute the cost of your favourite patty monthly to bolster our national evangelism and support our ministers. All contributions are to be sent to the national office.


10. Regional Crusades

When: May/June

Join us for days of evangelistic services aimed at soul-saving in targeted regional areas, including outreach efforts before and after the events.


11. School of Missions

When: June

A seminar-style training for pastors, ministers, and workers, covering evangelism and personal growth, interspersed with worship sessions.


12. National Growth Seminar

When: November

A seminar focusing on church growth and convert retention, offering practical strategies and inspiring challenges for workers.


13. Missions Convention

When: November

A multi-day event of teachings and preaching designed to empower and equip our saints. Includes sessions for Faith Promise commitments and pledges.


14. Radio Evangelism

When: Sundays, 6:00 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.

Tune into FAME95 AM for our program "Rightly Dividing The Word," spreading the gospel message to a worldwide audience.


15. Visitor Care

During Major Services

Ensuring a warm welcome and follow-up for all our visitors, making every service an opportunity to connect and care.


16. Pioneer Evangelism

Ongoing Effort

An initiative to start new churches in areas without Apostolic presence, using various outreach methods to establish a strong community of believers.

Programmes of Home Missions Department


Meet the Team

Pastor Ossain Jones

Minister Lebert Drysdale

New Convert Care Coordinator
Rev. Mervin McWilliams

Radio Programme Coordinator
Minister Sheldon Smith

Prayer Coordinator
Minister Oral Senior


Region 1 Coordinator
Minister Sheldon Smith


Region 2 Coordinator
Minister Kevin Robinson

Region 3 Coordinator
Brother Rohan Ramsay  


Region 4 Coordinator 
Minister Bridget Bowlan-DaCosta


Region 5 Coordinator
Sister Stephanie Edwards


Region 6 Coordinator
Minister Grace McFarlane-Brown


Region 7 Coordinator 
Brother Barrington Adams


Region 1 Prayer Coordinator
Minister Sheldon Smith


Region 2 Prayer Coordinator
Minister Josephine Facey


Region 3 Prayer Coordinator
Rev. Moreland Thomas


Region 4 Prayer Coordinator
Minister Selmeta Cole


Region 5 Prayer Coordinator
Sister Stephanie Edwards


Region 6 Prayer Coordinator
Brother Zemroy Jackson


Region 7 Prayer Coordinator
Minister Lovern Robinson


Ossain Jones




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