Sunday School
Great Sunday Schools Build Great Churches
At the heart of our mission in the National Sunday School Department is the dedication to cultivating a dynamic, impactful, and contemporary Sunday school program. We are committed to training our teachers and workers to effectively reach individuals of all ages, imparting biblical truths with clarity and passion. Our goal is to guide people toward salvation, foster their spiritual growth, and equip them for meaningful service in the Kingdom of God. Join us as we embark on this journey of faith, learning, and transformation.

Join Jr. Bible Quiz
Junior Bible Quiz is geared towards our children aged 13 years and under. This ministry is the real-life application of Deut. 6:7. “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
Now Available for Purchase: Sunday School Manuals 2024
Complete form for details on how to purchase your copy of the Sunday School Study Guide.
Programmes of the National Sunday School Department
1. Teacher-Training Programme
When: October
An intensive seminar/workshop designed to enhance the skills of teachers, focusing on creative lesson delivery, reaching diverse learners, and boosting attendance and conversion rates. Held centrally or available online.
2. Departmental Workshops/Training Seminars
Ongoing regional training sessions offering practical and valuable information for Sunday School and Children's Church at the regional level.
3. Double Attendance Drive
When: April
Aiming to double the usual attendance on Easter Sunday, this drive involves inviting children and adults for a special session on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, using various outreach methods.
4. Curriculum Development
Annually updated and distributed at the Annual National Conference, this program involves creating relevant Sunday School lesson guides and resources.
5. Annual National Examination (Students)
When: October
An evaluation for students attending Sunday School, based on the prescribed curriculum, with certificates awarded to successful participants.
6. Annual National Teacher Certification Examination (Teachers)
When: August
A certification exam for Sunday School teachers to ensure high-quality lesson delivery, with certificates of achievement for successful teachers.
7. National Junior Bible Quiz Programme
When: February - July
A fun and competitive Bible study program for children aged 9 to 14, with regional and national competitions focusing on specific Bible sections.
8. National Junior and Teen Camps
When: July
One-week camps for children and youth, focusing on training, fellowship, and evangelism, organized by the Sunday School and Pentecostal Conquerors Departments.
9. Fellowship Activities
Held throughout the year, these include picnics and fun days with sporting activities, games, and entertainment for church members.
10. Children’s Crusades
When: May
Evangelistic services tailored for children aged 5-12, focusing on winning souls to Christ and providing encouragement and fun activities.
11. Seven Super Sundays
When: April - June
Special Sunday School services throughout the year, each with a specific focus like Double Attendance, Family Sunday, Friends Sunday, and others, aimed at increasing attendance and community engagement.
12. Annual Christmas Programme
When: December
A platform for children to showcase their talents in depicting the birth of Jesus Christ, with recognition for outstanding Sunday School performers.
13. National Sunday School Financial Programmes
Includes the Easter Offering/Tithing and 'Joash Chest' initiatives, designed to provide financial support for the department and its activities.
Kid's Corner
Our Team.
At the National Sunday School Department, we believe that teaching our children to have faith is one of the most important missions we can serve. We are fortunate to have a team of passionate and dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to instill those values. Scroll down to meet the inspiring members of our team.